In the world of safety razors, you’re better at picking an established brand with a long track record of satisfied customers.
Buying something new has that element of the unknown – will this product give me a good shave?
Is the quality good enough?
These are common questions by most men before buying something new.
Rockwell razor is a newcomer in the wet shaving market, but what makes it different is their commitment to quality, as reflected in consumer reviews.
I’ll be closely looking at their different safety razors from their adjustable to the twist to open variety.
They’ve been making waves since their Kickstarter campaign started in 2014.
If there’s one reason why you should consider this razor, it would be the lifetime warranty that they provide their customers.
Rockwell has a stainless steel razor for around $100.
Their flagship razor, the 6S is an adjustable razor with a full stainless steel body.
Here’s the deal, if you buy a Feather AS-D2 stainless razor, it will easily cost you over $150. The Rockwell 6C will cost just around 35% less than a Feather in Amazon.
That’s one of the best deals available right now.
But wait, there’s more. Unlike the Feather that has a fixed head, this one is adjustable thanks to the 3 double-sided base plates that give you 6 levels of adjustability.
A little history of Rockwell Razor
Rockwell razor was founded by Morgan Nordstrom and Gareth Everard while they were still studying at Western University.
They met at the university’s business plan pitch competition, where they both realized that they liked designing products.
They were also passionate about classic shaving; hence Rockwell razor was born.
The product that they launched in their Kickstarter campaign was the Rockwell 6S. S stands for stainless.
We’ll be looking closely at their different safety razor products in their lineup.
Rockwell 6S
The 6S is Rockwell’s flagship safety razor and their most expensive.
It’s their only product in their lineup with a stainless steel finish. Thus it has the “S.”
And the 6 stands for the six adjustable settings that allow you to shave aggressive or mild depending on the need.
Unlike the Merkur Progress, this razor does not have a knob that adjusts blade exposure and angle.
The 6S and the other Rockwell razors that are adjustable make this possible by merely changing the bottom plate.
Yes, you guessed right, this is a three-piece razor that has a total of 3 bottom plates – both sides of which are usable.
One advantage that this design has over the traditional adjustable razor is simplicity. You don’t have to worry about the adjustment knob wearing out.
If you need an aggressive shave, use the base plates with a higher number. For a light shave, use the base plate with the lower setting.
Being a three-piece razor means it will be easier to clean, and these razors are typically cheaper to manufacture.
So despite having a stainless steel finish, Rockwell razor was able to keep the prices down to around $100.
If you buy a Feather AS-D2, that will set you back over $150, and you’ll only get a single setting.
- Stainless steel finish will last for decades
- The simple design ensures longevity because there are fewer moving parts
- 6 adjustable settings
- Cheaper than a Feather AS-D2
- Beautiful packaging where you can store everything (also a great gift idea for men)
- Expensive at $100
- Some reviews complain about the finish not being polished
Bottom line
The top-of-the-line Rockwell 6S is an excellent option if you don’t mind spending $100 for stainless steel, adjustable-razor that will last a very, very, very, very long time.
Changing settings can be a bit more cumbersome because you’ll have to disassemble the whole razor. But the simplicity of it means there are fewer moving parts and less stuff that can potentially break.
Rockwell 6C
The 6C and 6S are the same razors – the only difference would be the material of the frame and finish.
This variant uses a high-end, premium zinc alloy metal frame. There are two types of finishes depending on your taste – chrome or gunmetal finish.
Out of the box, you’ll get three base plates like the 6S that will give you six levels of adjustability.
- 1-1/3 base plate
- 1-2/4 base plate
- 1-5/16 base plate
All these plates are usable on both sides.
The grip is excellent, thanks to the deep knurling that covers a majority of the handle.
The horizontal groove at the bottom adds to that grip to protect the razor from slipping off your hands in very damp conditions in the bathroom.
One trick that men use to prevent the razor from slipping is coating their fingertips with alum block.
This hack will keep your fingertips sticky even if it’s covered with shave cream.
The 6C will cost half the price of the 6S because it uses a cheaper zinc metal as a frame.
Obviously, stainless is known for its ability to resist rust; zinc alloy won’t have a good quality of resisting rust.
Having the chrome or gunmetal finish adds that layer of protection, but you’ll have to do your part and dry the razor after using it to prevent the finish from chipping.
The good news is cleaning is easy since this is a three-piece razor. This gives you the ability to quickly dry each part thoroughly.
- Costs half that of the 6S but will still have the same level of adjustability
- Lifetime warranty – all Rockwell razors come with this by the way
- Being a three-piece razor makes it easy to clean
- Great balance
- The grip is excellent thanks to the deep knurling
- The finish isn’t as durable as the all stainless 6S
- Still more expensive than the Merkur 34C but that is somewhat offset by the adjustability
Bottom line
Rockwell 2C
Budget-conscious shavers who don’t want to spend between $50 and $100 on a safety razor can opt for the Rockwell 2C.
It does not have the same adjustability as the 6S or 6S, with only two levels of adjustability with the single plate.
This variant is best suited for beginners looking to get into wet shaving and want to develop their skills first before buying something more expensive.
Rockwell says that this safety razor has both settings 1 and 3 – two of their most popular configurations. This equates to a mild to mid-level aggressiveness.
Setting 1 has the least amount of blade exposure and is the safest for beginners.
Like the 6C, the Rockwell 2C uses a zinc alloy metal frame with a white chrome finish or gunmetal finish.
It’s also a 3-piece razor so it will be easier to clean.
- Cheapest of Rockwell’s 3-piece razor series at just $30
- A great option for men just starting out to wet shave
- The three-piece design makes it very easy to clean
- Excellent finish
- Deep knurling prevents it from slipping during the shaving process
- Lacks the level of adjustability found in the 6S and 6C
Bottom line
The 2C is an excellent option for men looking for a mild to mildly aggressive safety razor that can give them a close shave.
At around $30, this is one of the cheaper Rockwell shavers available.
It won’t have the six adjustment levels of the 6S or 6C, but if you don’t have really though facial hair, this should be what the doctor ordered for your shaving needs.
Rockwell R1
The Rockwell R1 is their entry type razor and the cheapest of the four variants at just around $15.
Despite the low price, this product is still eligible for the lifetime warranty that Rockwell backs their razors with.
Pretty impressive considering other brands, even those new in the market don’t do.
Unlike the other three razors in the Rockwell lineup that use a three-piece design, this razor has a butterfly head that makes it quite easy to load the blade.
In terms of aggressiveness, this razor is pretty mild and is another option for newbies looking to wet shave for the first time.
The grip is also excellent thanks to the deep box-shape grooves across the handle. It also has four horizontal slots – two below the neck and two at the bottom for extra grip.
The micro comb design adds to the safety feature of this razor that will help prevent accidental nicks.
- Butterfly doors make it very easy to load the blade
- The cheapest option of the 4 razors
- Mild razor makes it suitable for beginners
- Twist to open design is complex and may not be as durable as the more straightforward 3-piece razors like the 2C, 6C, and 6S
Bottom line
If you have light beard growth, this is an excellent option because it’s such a mild razor.
Rockwell says that the micro comb design makes it impossible to nick yourself.
It may not cut as close as the other options, but that wouldn’t matter for men with thin facial hair. If that’s you, this is a great option.
All Rockwell razor variants come with a lifetime guarantee. Nope, that is not a misprint, a lifetime guarantee.
That means if any part of the razor breaks during regular use, they will send you appropriate replacement parts FOR FREE.
Just don’t abuse the razor and break it on purpose, or you’ll have to cover for the shipping costs.
They also have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the shave, just return it. Rockwell will even cover the shipping costs for you.
This is a great deal. I don’t know how long Rockwell will offer this, but very few safety razor brands provide this type of coverage.
Where can I buy this?
Rockwell razors are available online through Amazon. You can also buy them directly from their online store through
Amazon, for me, is an excellent option because they do offer free 2-day shipping if you’re a Prime member.
The verdict
Rockwell razor is really making a splash with their 4 products. Consumers really like this and a big reason why it’s popular.
Another strong point of this product is balance and heftiness. These products are by no means cheap. Some reviews say that the 6C and 6S have more heft than the Merkur.
Having different base plates as opposed to using the twisting know at the bottom to adjust blade exposure is another unique feature.
I have not seen other brands adopt this.
For one, it’s simpler for the manufacturer, and the simplicity of it bodes well for its longevity. Second, it’s straightforward to clean. Loading the blade will take a bit more work, but I don’t think it’s a big deal.
The top-of-the-line 6C and 6S are great for men with thick facial hair that grows fast.
It gives them 6 different levels of aggressiveness, depending on their need. I’d say the 6S is a better value than the Feather AS-D2 because you can shave mild or aggressive with this.
Having you tried using a Rockwell razor? If you, please do share your thoughts in the comments section below. I’d love to hear from you.
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